“We Would Rather Not Have a Patient than Fail to See Them Get Well.”
After practicing chiropractic for over 30 years, I know what works and what doesn’t work to get someone well and keep them well. My knowledge is inclusive of what medical doctors do as well as what can be achieved with nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle. By practicing what I preach, I am not only able to control my own back and neck issues that have resulted from past injuries, but I am also able to maintain my overall health. I have no diagnosed illnesses; I don’t get the flu, and it’s been years since I got a cold. If I can maintain this level of health at my age, I can certainly help you achieve better health as well.
What are your health goals, and what is your level of commitment to achieving and maintaining them? What level of health do you believe you can reach from this point? I have seen many patients that don’t really believe they can get well. They have lost hope, and this manifests as a lack of demonstrated commitment to my recommendations, such as missed appointments or quitting care. A lack of participation in the healing process becomes the reason for temporary or poor results.
When I see a new patient, they are usually in some degree of pain or distress. This is the pain and symptom phase of care and recovery. Virtually all adults’ spinal problems are chronic in nature, even if the pain has only been present for a short time. In addition, of course, there can be injury on top of an underlying spinal problem. In some ways, chiropractic care is similar to dental care. If a person has never been to a dentist, or hasn’t been in a long time, their toothache of one- to two-days’ duration is the end result of chronic dental problems like tooth decay or gum disease. Back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other symptoms chiropractors are known for getting great results function in the same manner. As with dental care, a couple office visits may result in pain relief, but follow-up treatments and maintenance are usually needed. I have had patients whose problems responded very well to chiropractic care—but they did not feel better for eight to ten office visits. Great examples are disc herniations and auto accident injuries. How long it takes to start feeling better depends on each individual’s condition and on how fast their body heals. Chiropractors work with patients to set up the conditions favorable for their body to heal itself. Those who come to a chiropractor thinking they will only go for a couple visits are setting themselves up for disappointment. For many patients, life is busy; there are numerous demands on their money and time. Unfortunately, the time and treatment required to get well depends only on the rate the body can heal itself. That time framework for healing can’t be reduced just because a person also has other priorities.
Due to the reasons mentioned above and additional ones, we are reluctant to accept new adult patients who will not commit to a minimum of ten office visits in the initial four weeks after they come in for the first time. Too many think of chiropractic like going to a PCP for a sore throat. They expect to be well after one office visits and a prescription. While some patients do feel better after a short time in treatment, it is best to think of chiropractic like you probably think about physical therapy. Getting well is a process and not a one or two visit event. Enter a good chiropractor’s office with commitment and patience concerning how long it will take your body to heal itself, and wonderful healing will occur for over 85% of the patients I accept. This success rate far exceeds medical management. If I can help you I will tell you that. If I can’t or if I think that it would be more beneficial for you to see another type of doctor, I will tell you that as well.
Ultimately you are the boss, and how much you decide to benefit from chiropractic is up to you. We provide educational information so that you can make well-informed decisions in order to get the best results.